Cittadella dello Sport Tortona, February 27, 2025
On February 27, 2025, the Cittadella dello Sport in Tortona hosted the event “Quality Control of Fasteners: the future is here” on the initiative of UPIVEB – Unione Produttori Italiani Viteria e Bulloneria, a historic association that brings together Italian manufacturers of Fasteners.
Focused on the application of Artificial Intelligence in the quality control of fastening devices, the event saw the participation of experts and professionals in the sector, including Prof. Luigi Portinale, full professor of computer science at the University of Eastern Piedmont.
Dimac Srl, a Tortona-based company that is a leader in the sector of technologies for the quality control of metal components at a global level, was chosen by UPIVEB to host the event. Founded on a strong know-how and a constant focus on innovation, Dimac offers advanced inspection and automatic selection solutions to guarantee maximum precision and reliability in production processes.

For the realization of the event, Dimac collaborated with the Cittadella dello Sport of Tortona, identified as a location to welcome experts and companies in the sector in a modern and highly technological environment.
After the institutional welcome by UPIVEB, in the persons of Giorgio Donati (President), Silvia Corbetta (Head of the Operating Committee of Supporting Associates), Giandomenico Sbaragli (President of the Automotive Market Group) and Vittoriano Calomeni (President of the General Industry & Distribution Market Group), Massimo Agrati, CEO of Dimac Srl, illustrated the role of the company in the application of AI, Roberto Mazzantini, CEO of Mazzantini & Associati, presented the results of the survey carried out among UPIVEB Associates and introduced some practical applications of predictive AI and generative AI, while Professor Portinale provided a theoretical framework on Artificial Intelligence and a vision of its future evolution. Through the interventions of Guido Noce, Enrico Ottaviano and Mario Brumini representing Dimac, as well as Giuseppe Scarpi of R2M Solution, the picture was completed with application cases demonstrating the potential of AI for quality control.

In the afternoon, the event continued with a visit to the Dimac plant, offering participants a first-hand experience of innovative technologies for quality control automation.

The backdrop to the entire day was teamwork between local players. The multifunctional and innovative structure of the Cittadella dello Sport, naturally dedicated to teamwork, is the ideal setting for the national and international promotion of university activity and the most advanced local companies.

UPIVEB Union of Producers of Screws and Bolts. For over 60 years it has been offering high-value services to increase the prestige of Italian fasteners.
UPO Università del Piemonte Orientale – Department of Science and Technological Innovation Among the various research areas, he deals with Artificial Intelligence and studies its application to medical diagnostics in the radiological field. He collaborates with Dimac in the QAIS project, funded by the Piedmont Region, in the study of methodologies for the validation of Machine Learning results.
R2M Solutions Innovation accelerator, 150 specialists in four EU countries. With Dimac, he carries out industrial research on topics such as augmented reality for AI training and intelligent classification of fastener images.
Mazzantini & Associati SA Curious, passionate and enthusiastic, they operate 360° in the world of communication both online and offline and are specialized in artificial intelligence technologies and services.
Cittadella dello Sport State-of-the-art sports facility located in Tortona (AL), designed to host events, training and corporate activities. It combines cutting-edge infrastructure with a model of social aggregation, promoting sport as a tool for growth and inclusion.