We are thrilled to announce that the 20th edition of the 3×3 basketball tournament in Tortona was a great success! An extraordinary participation with very impressive numbers: 189 teams, 700 players, 370 games, 6 approved courts, Minibasket Categories, Under 13, Under 14, Under 17, Under 19, Women’s Open, Men’s Open, Amateurs, Over 40, Official Men’s and Women’s Challenger, Women’s and Men’s Master.
A point of reference for basketball lovers, the Armana Tourney was recognized in 2018 as the first 3×3 Tournament in Italy among over 200 tournaments and as a Master Stage in the 3×3 Italia Circuit of the FIP (Italian Basketball Federation).
Since 2005, through the tournament, the Mario Armana Sports Association has donated over €60,000 to charity to the Enrico Cucchi Association for palliative care of pain in Tortona.
Thanks to all the players, organizers, volunteers and the public for making these two days unforgettable!